
Principle Investigator:

Mahdi Hosseini, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2145 Sheridan Road (M337), Evanston, IL 60208-3109, Email: mh(at)



Other Affiliations:

  • Applied Physics Program at Northwestern University
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University (adjunct)
  • Director of IQPARC (funded by DoD-NDEP)
  • Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports
  • Guest Editor for Applied Physics Review, American Institute of Physics

Bio: Mahdi Hosseini earned his Ph.D. in Physics from the Australian National University in 2012, where he focused on developing highly efficient and versatile room-temperature quantum optical memories. He then pursued postdoctoral research at MIT, exploring cavity quantum electrodynamics through interactions of photons with laser-trapped atoms in high-finesse cavities. In 2016, he joined Purdue University as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, where he established a research group dedicated to solid-state quantum optics and optical sensing. In 2023, he transitioned to Northwestern University as an Associate Professor in both the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Applied Physics Program. His current research interests encompass quantum light interactions with rare-earth quantum centers in solids, photonic devices, optomechanical and levitation sensing systems, and the applications of quantum squeezed light in sensing and communication. He has been recognized with the NSF Career Award (2022) and the DARPA Young Investigator Award (2024).


We have Ph.D. and Postdoctoral positions for qualified applicants. Please reach out to Prof. Hosseini with your CV if interested.


Graduate Students and Postdocs:




Zongfeng Li (Postdoc, Electrical and Computer Engineering)

Chethn Galla (Postdoc, Electrical and Computer Engineering)


Yisheng Lei (Graduate Student, Applied Physics Program)


Trevor Kling (Graduate Student, Applied Physics Program)


Mehrdad Sourki (Graduate Student, Electrical and Computer Engineering)

Ali Najjar Amiri (Graduate Student, Electrical and Computer Engineering)


Undergraduate Students:


Zirui Zhang (Purdue)

Xinzhe (Anderson) Xu (Purdue)

Daniel Campos (Northwestern)



Haechan An (Ph.D. Graduate, after graduation: U Chicago)

Xiaodong Jiang (Ph.D. Graduate, after graduation: Intel)

Arindam Nandi (Ph.D. Graduate, after graduation: Intel)

Dongmin Pak (Ph.D. Graduate, after graduation: Intel)

Hal Owens (Undergraduate)

Josiah Rudge (Undergraduate)